Bathroom: Cleanse Your Soul

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How God used Holly to help Kerry come to Christ

At church in the Park last Sunday, a sweet lady named Kerry stood up during the Open Mic time and shared that she was glad to have found a new church home.  After our potluck, I walked over to her and asked about her church background and faith.  She mentioned she had followed Christ on and off for most of her life, but was really seeking Him right now.  Upon further prompting, she mentioned she was only 80% sure she'd go to Heaven someday.

I immediately offered to show her how to be 100% sure, going through a "Do You Know For Certain" track.  After some lengthy explanations, lots of additional verses, and a few analogies, Kerry finally understood that there was nothing she could do to earn salvation.  I explained the magnitude of deciding to accept Christ's gift of salvation, and that it would be a hard road to walk, but that Christ was there to help us along the way.  She thought about it for a minute, and decided she wanted to trust Christ for her salvation and life.

Together, we prayed, and she asked Christ to be her personal Lord and Savior!  She was weeping and praising God.  Apparently she had prayed on the way to church that morning that she'd find Christ that day.  Praise Him for His faithfulness to answer our most sincere prayers!

So, Welcome, Kerry, into a new family of believers!  Though the summer project is officially over, I will be praying for you and I know I'm leaving you in good hands!

Official Launch

Easter Sunday,
April 4, 2010

We are meeting informally before then! Find out more →


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